Posts by Web Master

19 of 44 items

What a wonderful trip to Kenya! It was so great to reconnect with these pastors whom I have known and ministered with for the last 16 years. 162 pastors came from around Mt Kenya for the conference. It was a powerful time of teaching and ministry, as well as a time to share openly about…

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What an honor to be with Pastors Sam and Lisa Song for their anniversary services at Solomon’s Porch in Hong Kong. I have known Pastor Sam since college and we have ministered in each other’s churches for years. What a blessing to spend time with him and Lisa and their precious children. It is really…

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This trip to the Dominican Republic was very special for me because I led a team of youth from our church and my daughter Ciera was on the team. Our main focus was to build a home for a family. What a powerful experience! Words cannot describe the emotion we felt to see this family…

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Dear Prayer Partners, Thank you for keeping me in prayer for this last trip to El Salvador! I always say it, because it is so true and I am so grateful – when you stand in the gap for me, it really makes a difference! When I got home, someone asked me, “What happened in…

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Dear Prayer Partners, Thank you for praying for my last trip to Mexico and California. It really makes a difference in terms of ministry effectiveness, health and travel safety.

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Dear Prayer Partners, That was a busy season – I ministered in 5 nations in 8 weeks. Thank you for standing with me in prayer! This trip to Ivory Coast was another invitation from Bishop John Andoh to teach at his minister’s network, United Council of Christian Churches. It was a joy and an honor…

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Dear Prayer Partners, I am so very thankful for you! I have heard from quite a few people that I came to their minds on many occasions during this trip. Whatever they were doing, they would pause and pray. From the depth of my heart, I thank you. Only eternity will tell the difference those…

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What a wonderful trip to El Salvador! Thank you so much for remembering us in prayer. It really means a lot and it truly does make a difference. It was an honor to serve alongside Pastor Chris Gonzalez, whom I have known for about fourteen years. I have a great respect for his ministry and…

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September 2013 As always, thank you so much for standing in the gap for this ministry. It truly makes a difference. Initially I was to accompany my friend Pastor Lisandro Gonzalez to minister in some meetings with him in Brazil. At the last minute, he was not able to go because of a family emergency,…

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