What a wonderful trip to El Salvador! Thank you so much for remembering us in prayer. It really means a lot and it truly does make a difference.
It was an honor to serve alongside Pastor Chris Gonzalez, whom I have known for about fourteen years. I have a great respect for his ministry and I am always so blessed to minister with him.
Thank you for praying for safety. The crime and gang violence in El Salvador is one of the highest in the word. The presidential election took place while we were there, so that added to potential problems. But everything was peaceful and our drive to and from the mountains was a pleasant experience.
Fe y Esperanza in La Palma
La Palma
Pastor Chris Gonzalez
La Palma is a small town nestled in the mountains. Its location is strategic because the radio station that we ministered on reaches homes and villages in remote areas where there are no churches. I ministered on the subject of Jesus being the same yesterday, today and forever. Only eternity will be able to really tell the results of the sermon and prayer time.
Sampling local sugar cane juice with Pastor Chris
La Palma
Fruit Stand
On Saturday evening, just as we were about to begin the open air meeting in the town plaza, a huge rain storm made everyone run for cover. Huddled under a nearby pavilion, I felt like the Lord wanted me to preach anyway. The anointing was strong, and we talked and prayed with people late into the night.
Ministering on the radio
With Ps Victor & Ps Chris
Preaching under pavilion
An elderly woman received a healing touch from the Lord. We had seen her earlier in the day as we going through town. Pastor Victor Linares, who is the pastor of Fe y Esperanza in La Palma, called out to her, but she couldn’t see us. She could only see about ten feet in front of her. That evening, as the rain was pouring down around us, God poured out His healing touch and her eyesight began to improve. Pastor Victor offered her and others a ride home in the church van. As he was driving, she began to cry as her vision improved.
On Sunday, we had a meeting for the leaders in the church. There was no specific children’s ministry, so I gladly helped take care of one little girl so that everyone could receive prayer.

During the Sunday evening service, the power of the Spirit blew into the church like a might a wind. To my knowledge, every single person answered the altar call to break generational curses. I went to work praying for people…the power of the Spirit was like wave after of wave crashing on the seashore.
Remember the elderly lady who’s vision was improving? She fell down under the power of the Spirit. When others helped her to her feet, she laughed and said, “I can see perfectly now! But I think the pastor ‘broke my legs’! I can hardly stand up.”
Much of Central America is steeped in religious tradition. Some visitors who came to the meetings had never seen or experienced the power of the Holy Spirit. I asked a few of them who had fallen under God’s power if they enjoyed the Holy Spirit….big smiles and heads nodding and nodding. One lady couldn’t stop smiling because not only had she felt God’s power, but she was completely healed of a painful hip condition.
Over the weekend we saw 25 people make public decisions for Christ…19 of those were individuals praying to receive the Lord for the first time! There is joy in heaven!
With me on this trip was Christian Diaz, who is part of our church here in Florida. He was a great armor bearer and a wonderful help to me. He did a great job sharing his testimony and praying for people. He is also fluent in Spanish, so that was a blessing.
Pastor Eric and Christian Diaz
Praying for a lady alongside the road
From the depth of my heart, thank you so much. Your prayers truly do make a difference. I am humbled and grateful that you would take some time, even a moment, to remember us in prayer.
Serving Him,
Pastor Eric Lehmann